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Damaged Property

This is Damage to your or another's property.
Reporting Person Information
Please enter your information.
First Name (required)
Middle Name
Last Name (required)
Date of Birth (required)
Racial/Ethnic Identity
Gender/Gender Identity
Phone Number (required)
Email Address (required)
Confirm Email Address (required)
Home Address (required)
Zip Code (required)
Driver's License Number
Driver's License State
If you are reporting on behalf of someone else, please click Add Additional below and include the victim's information.
Incident Location Information
Please provide location information related to the incident.
Incident Location (required)
Please provide date and time information for which the incident occurred.
Beginning Timeframe (required)
Ending Timeframe (required)
Damaged Property Information
Please provide information related to the damaged property involved in this incident. If a vehicle was damaged, please include the license plate number.
Description of Property Damaged
Vehicle License Plate
Vehicle State
Serial Number
Cost to Repair/Replace (required)
Hate/Bias Information
Please provide information related to the Hate/Bias Crime you feel in this incident, if any.
Do you feel this is a hate/bias crime? (required)
If yes, please select why you feel targeted.
If yes, please explain in your narrative of events on why you feel this is a hate/bias crime.
Incident Narrative
Describe your incident here, and please be as detailed as possible.
Incident Narrative (required)
Suspect Information
Please provide any known suspect information related to this incident, if any.
Hair Color
Eye Color
Vehicle Description
Vehicle License Plate
Date of Birth
Phone Number
Other Info
Documents, Pictures or Videos
Please provide any Documents, Pictures or Videos to Support your Case
Contact Information
Please provide the best e-mail and phone number to reach you.
E-Mail Address (required)
Mobile Phone Number (required)
We are currently not yet accepting appointments, please select No Appointment (required)
Schedule Contact Appointment
Please pick an available date and time for an officer to contact you via Phone or Zoom.

Filing a false police report is a crime (ORS 162.375). Please review your information above.

500 Central Avenue
Coos Bay, OR 97420
Non-Emergency Phone: 541-269-8911

(c) Copyright 2024 - Coos Bay Police Dept. - All Rights Reserved.